Entry Automation 6.0 is now available!


#### Service Integration with Gravity Forms

More and more services are offering integrations with Gravity Forms to expand their customer base, but not every company has the time to learn how to use the Gravity Forms platform.

ForGravity can build a deep integration with Gravity Forms for your service that allows for Gravity Forms entries to be pushed to your platform. From simple newsletter integrations to complex payment gateway integrations, you will have a world class Gravity Forms Add-On that provides an easy to use experience for your customers.

[Ready to get started?](/contact?why=integrate)

#### Gravity Forms Customization

It’s rarely as simple as adding a few fields to a form and calling it a day.

Often, you need to do something more complex. Maybe it’s an integration to your lead management system of choice. Or perhaps it’s more simplistic tweak to the form submission process. There’s practically no limit to how ForGravity can help you customize Gravity Forms to fit into your desired workflow.

[Let’s start the customization!](/contact?why=project)

#### WordPress Plugin Development

There are over 39,000 plugins in the WordPress Plugin Directory, but, chances are, none of them can accomplish what you need them to.

It could be something as simple as allowing other users to view post drafts. Or maybe it’s a more complex feature, like allowing posts to be published from an email inbox. ForGravity can help build a WordPress plugin that achieves your narrow use case, while delivering a final product that will be future-proofed for upcoming WordPress updates.

[Ready to get started?](/contact?why=project)