Fair pricing to keep your business growing.



Install on 3 sites

  • Upload up to 10 templates
  • Unlimited PDF Generation
  • Downloadable File Permissions
  • Password Protected PDFs
  • Email PDFs Using Notifications
  • Digital Signature & Image Support
  • Easy To Use Template Mapping
  • Conditional Logic
  • 1 Year of Updates & Support



Install on 25 sites

  • Upload up to 200 templates
  • Unlimited PDF Generation
  • Downloadable File Permissions
  • Password Protected PDFs
  • Email PDFs Using Notifications
  • Digital Signature & Image Support
  • Easy To Use Template Mapping
  • Conditional Logic
  • 1 Year of Updates & Support
  • Import PDFs as Gravity Forms
  • Upload Documents to Dropbox
  • Upload Documents to Google Drive



Install on 5 sites

  • Upload up to 100 templates
  • Unlimited PDF Generation
  • Downloadable File Permissions
  • Password Protected PDFs
  • Email PDFs Using Notifications
  • Digital Signature & Image Support
  • Easy To Use Template Mapping
  • Conditional Logic
  • 1 Year of Updates & Support
  • Import PDFs as Gravity Forms
  • Upload Documents to Dropbox
  • Upload Documents to Google Drive
30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try Fillable PDFs Risk-Free!

Compare Features

Number of Sites3 websites5 websites25 websites
Number of TemplatesUp to 10 templatesUp to 100 templatesUp to 200 templates
Unlimited PDF Generation
Downloadable File Permissions
Password Protected PDFs
Email PDFs Using Notifications
Digital Signature & Image Support
Easy To Use Template Mapping
Conditional Logic
1 Year of Updates & Support
Import PDFs as Gravity Forms
Upload Documents to Dropbox
Upload Documents to Google Drive

Still have questions?

How exactly does the generation of the PDF work?

The form data is submitted to our server where the PDF is generated. The generated PDF is then sent back to your server where it’s stored.

The data submitted to the Fillable PDFs server is immediately deleted automatically. No data is retained.

Are there any limits on how many PDFs I can generate?

No! All Fillable PDFs plans come with unlimited PDF generation.

Will my PDF styling/CSS be retained?

No. When you import a PDF, only the fields are mapped. The styling itself is discarded. The styling used will be that of a default form, although this can be modified with the use of CSS.

PDF formatting elements like font size, font color, etc. in the actual base PDF template will however be respected when the PDF is generated.

Are my templates globally available?

Yes! When you create a template in Fillable PDFs, that template becomes available on any site where you’re using your license key.

If you’d like to only show templates created on the current site, you can use this developer filter.

Do you have a data processing agreement?

We know the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires Data Controllers (you) to have proper contracts in place with Data Processors (us) to ensure that we treat with no less care and confidentially than you are required to.

If you need a signed data processing agreement, please contact support.

Is Fillable PDFs HIPAA compliant?

To the limited extent our service may provide access to ePHI, we strive to guard against unauthorized access to ePHI that is transmitted electronically by implementing technical safeguards such as 256-bit encryption to secure the data in motion and at rest.

If you require a signed business associate agreement as part of your organization’s HIPAA compliance, please contact support.

Can I upgrade my license after purchase?

Absolutely! You can upgrade your license at any time, for the difference in cost. Learn more about the license upgrade process.

Do you offer support?

Every CosmicGiant plugin comes with premium support. A Gravity Forms expert will answer each support request with tickets being answered within one business day.

There’s no such thing as first-tier and second-tier support at CosmicGiant; you’ll be answered by an expert every time.

Are you a Gravity Forms Certified Developer?

Yes! CosmicGiant is one of a select number of Gravity Forms Certified Developers. Gravity Forms describes its Partners as: “Trusted, valued, and respected, their development work is unrivaled when it comes to extending Gravity Forms.” All our plugins are Gravity Forms Certified Add-Ons, and we’re honored to have this mark of approval.

Plus, the principal members of our team have previously spent a combined 10+ years working at Rocketgenius, the creator of Gravity Forms.

What requirements does Fillable PDFs have to run?

The requirements match that of WordPress. Meaning if you can run WordPress, you can run Fillable PDFs.

You’ll also need the latest version of Gravity Forms installed on your site.