Entry Automation 6.0 is now available!

Announcing Fillable PDFs 3.0

Fillable PDFs for Gravity Forms version 3.0 will be available April 26, 2021 via auto-update and for download from the Downloads page.

## New Year, New Look!

Fillable PDFs 3.0 comes with an entirely refreshed design, inspired by Gravity Forms 2.5. Every single view has been updated, with lots of minor enhancements to deal with frequently mentioned issues.

The Import PDFs page has had a massive under-the-hood overhaul to fix issues when converting PDFs with hundreds of fields.

Our best-in-class visual mapper now presents more information when mapping to individual fields, including the field’s dimensions and its default value.

Embed image in PDF field

### Warnings for mapping conflicts

The most frequently encountered issues revolve around quirks with the PDF standard that aren’t readily apparent when setting up a document. We’ve added warnings within the visual mapper to alert you of conflicts as they arise.

Each warning is accompanied by a link to a documentation article explaining the issue more in-depth, along with steps on how to resolve the problem.

## Nested Forms Support

You can now map to Nested Forms fields, including full support for image uploads and signatures. This allows you to choose which child entry to populate fields from: first entry, last entry, a specific entry, or automatically select the next entry.

Mapping to a Nested Forms field

## Flatten individual fields

Along with removing interactive fields from the entire document, a new visual mapping modifier lets you flatten individual fields, making them read-only and uneditable by the end-user.

## Merge tag autocomplete

No more remembering the merge tag for every field on your form! You now have full access to the standard Gravity Forms merge tag drop down when mapping to a custom value.

## Full field values

Gone are the days of having to chain multiple merge tags together to add a full address to a PDF field. Options have been added to the form field drop down to populate full Name and Address field values.

## Image Choices Support

With Gravity Forms Image Choices by JetSloth, you can easily add images as choices for your radio button and checkboxes fields. And now, using our new visual mapping modifier, the selected field choice image can be embedded directly into your PDF.

Mapping to a field with Image Choices

## Regenerate PDFs on Edit

A new feed level option has been added for regenerating a PDF when an entry has been updated. Not only will it regenerate when editing an entry in the WordPress dashboard, but it will also regenerate when updating an entry with GravityView.

## Removed Site Restrictions For Templates

When uploading a template, it gets associated with both your license key and the site you registered it on. Unless you enable global access for a template, you won’t be able to access that template on any of your other sites.

This creates a lot of confusion when changing the domain of your site, such as when migrating from staging to production – suddenly, all of your templates have disappeared, and the template limit count does not match what you see in the templates list.

We’re doing away with that.

Any template you upload will be accessible and editable on any site associated with your license key. A warning has been added when deleting a template to remind you that it can no longer be used to generate PDFs on any of your sites, not just the site you’re deleting it on.

## Release Notes
– Added fg_fillablepdfs()->delete_pdf() method to delete existing PDFs.
– Added “fg_fillablepdfs_display_all_templates” filter to control whether all templates for license appear in Templates list.
– Added lazy loading to template images to prevent pages displaying empty when template contains more than ten pages.
– Added merge tag autocomplete when mapping to a custom value.
– Added modifier for flattening individual PDF fields.
– Added option to map to full field value for multiple input fields.
– Added setting to regenerate PDF when an entry is edited.
– Added support for Gravity Forms Conditional Shortcode.
– Added support for mapping selected choice image to PDF field when using Gravity Forms Image Choices.
– Added support for mapping to Gravity Perks Nested Forms fields.
– Added warning when mapping to a Checkbox or Radio Button field and export value does not match.
– Added warning when multiple fields have the same name.
– Fixed a fatal error when trying to download a PDF while the fileinfo PHP extension is disabled.
– Fixed a variable not passed by referenced PHP warning when populating from a Time field.
– Fixed an issue where input labels do not appear in the mapping drop down.
– Fixed an issue where List column values would not populate if a slash was used in the column name.
– Fixed an issue where multiple public PDF folder messages would display.
– Fixed an issue where PDFs with over 250 fields could not be imported.
– Fixed an issue where the PDF folder would be determined as public when no PDFs have been generated.
– Fixed an issue with PDFs not being attached to notifications.
– Fixed PHP notice when mapping to Date field.
– Removed limitation where templates are only accessible on sites they were created on.
– Removed usage of deprecated get_magic_quotes_gpc() function.

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