Collecting and Displaying Information Accurately and Beautifully with Fillable PDFs

In this case study, Connie Kouba, founder of the long-established Kouba Graphics web development agency, describes how she was able to use Fillable PDFs to collect new patient data for a doctor’s office and route it exactly where it needed to go.

The Problem

“As a graphic design company, our business is to make clients look great in print as well as online. The web solutions we offer range from simple to very complex, and so using the right tools for a job can make the difference between something we can put together in a few hours to something that might take weeks to develop from scratch.

In a recent project we worked on, a doctor’s office wanted to collect new patient data online. The data then needed to be routed to the appropriate doctor who would be seeing the patient. This seems like a simple problem, but I had difficulty figuring out how to do this without hiring a php programmer to develop a customized data collection vehicle with an acceptable back-office reporting system. Traditional online forms lacked formatting flexibility and had no way to easily view this data once it was received.

I needed a solution that allowed both for robust and secure data collection and an attractive, clear way to view the collected data.”

The Solution

“I knew I was part way there when I discovered Gravity Forms, which did an incredible job of making the online collection form flexible with conditional logic and easy to read formats. This meant that each form would respond to the needs of the individual patient: for example, if a patient doesn’t have insurance, they won’t see any insurance fields to fill in.

The back office problem required an additional solution, however, which is where CosmicGiant’s Fillable PDFs Add-On came in. Not only is the data easy for the patient to enter so that all the information can be collected (including a signature), but the information is saved in an easy-to-read format and a PDF download link is routed to the appropriate doctor. This works beautifully and the doctors LOVE it!!!”

Happy Patients, Happy Doctors, Happy Staff

“The doctor’s office is thrilled with the solution that I provided for them. It saves time for their support staff, reduces paperwork, and eliminates the need for the office to perform data entry functions. So when my clients are happy, I’m happy. Fillable PDFs is wonderful – my clients love it and I love it.”

Fillable PDFs is the perfect Gravity Forms PDF solution, bursting with features to make you and your clients happy:

PDF conversion made simple

If you already have the perfect form as a PDF, you don’t want to have to go through the process of creating the fields again. Fillable PDFs helps you to convert any PDF into a Gravity Forms form quickly, allowing you to set up your form in minutes, not hours.

PDF generation made simple

Fillable PDFs allows custom form values to be populated directly into PDF form fields through the use of merge tags, allowing multiple form fields to be populated into a single PDF field. But you don’t need to be a technical wizard to setup PDFs – with our visual template mapper, you can quickly and easily set which Gravity Forms fields populate which PDF form fields.

You can also display a link to customized generated PDFs allowing users to easily download the PDF with the information they entered.

Security made simple

Add digital signatures and other images added to your Gravity Forms form directly into your PDF – perfect for contracts and other sensitive documents (note, you may need to also use a secure signing service for contracts). What’s more, generated PDFs are never stored on the CosmicGiant server, but only securely on your website.

Fillable PDFs also lets you prevent unwanted users from accessing generated PDFs with password protection, and gives you the option of restricting generated PDFs to only be viewable by the form submitter.

If you’re looking for the best Gravity Forms PDF solution for you and your clients – why not try Fillable PDFs today?

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