Entry Automation 6.0 is now available!

Announcing Legal Signing 2.0

Legal Signing for Gravity Forms version 2.0 will be available October 12th, 2022 via auto-update and for download from the Downloads page.

Legal Signing 2.0 packs a bunch of a new features as our first major update to the product since launch, some of which that were mentioned as upcoming features noted in our initial version of our pricing table.

This version also contains some general bug fixes both totally new and ones rolled up from maintenance versions that were released between 1.1 and this version.

## Document Hub

The Document Hub is a block for the WordPress Block Editor that allows you to show a list of relevant documents to the currently logged in user. These documents can range from a number of statuses to allow the user to see documents they’ve signed and completed, are waiting for them to sign, are waiting on other parties to sign, or have expired.

This gives you an easy way for users at a glance to log in and see what documents they’ve signed in the past and which they still need to sign. If a signing workflow associated with the user is waiting on them, they’ll get a convenient button to go and sign right there in the block.

If you’re not using the WordPress Block Editor, you can use a third-party plugin like Reusable Blocks Extended that allows you to create reusable blocks that can be embedded by conventional shortcodes for other page/post editors.

For a full breakdown on the Document Hub can be found in our documentation here.

## Dropbox Integration

With Legal Signing 2.0 you can now export your generated and signed documents out to Dropbox automatically on generation whether you’re using a signing workflow or not.

Once you authenticate the product with Dropbox, you’ll have access to a new “Integrations” tab in your Legal Signing feed settings. Here you can toggle on Dropbox and specify where you’d like the generated PDF to be sent to in your Dropbox, you can even do handy things like pass in dynamic data from the form entry to organize the PDFs using unique identifiers.

For more on this and how to get started, check out our documentation.

Note: Dropbox integration is only available to Professional and Agency tier Legal Signing license holders.

## Support for Gravity Wiz’s QR Code Perk

Our fellow Gravity Forms Certified Developer, Gravity Wiz recently added a new Perk to their Gravity Perks suite that allows you to generate QR codes dynamically using your entry data, among some other cool features.

Since this is a great boost to our document generation toolkit, we’ve integrated with the Perk to allow you to use it as part of your document generation setups in Legal Signing.

To take advantage of this once you’ve installed the Perk from Gravity Wiz, you can use the “Merge Tag” mapping option in the Legal Signing mapper and enter either a shortcode or qr code enable merge tag into the text input (for more on configuration or your options with both the shortcode and merge tag, take a look at Gravity Wiz’s awesome documentation).

When the PDF is generated, we’ll process that shortcode or QR code enabled merge tag to pull out the URL for the QR code image the Perk generates and flag that for embedding into the mapped field.

## Support for Gravity Flow

We’ve properly hooked up Legal Signing with Gravity Flow in version 2.0. Gravity Flow users will now have access to a Legal Signing step that allows you to control exactly where in your overall Gravity Flow workflow for a form that Legal Signing starts doing its thing.

When using both a Gravity Flow workflow and a Legal Signing workflow together, things operate a little bit differently than they would otherwise. Normally when a Legal Signing workflow is being handled, we do a few things behind the scenes to delay things like notifications and feeds for other add-ons so they don’t fire off until after the signing workflow is successfully completed by all signers.

When using the Legal Signing step with a signing workflow enabled feed, that will not happen and you’ll be expected to control all those items we usually delay with your Gravity Flow workflow. This was a decision we made to allow Gravity Flow users to have more fine tuned control over exactly how their entire workflow operates and for those familiar with how Gravity Flow works conceptually will likely find this intuitive.

For more on our Gravity Flow support, check the documentation.

## Added Support for Cancelling Signing Sessions

You can now manually cancel signing sessions created from signing workflows while they’re in progress from the entry detail in Gravity Forms.

When viewing an entry and looking at the Signing Status metabox in the sidebar, you’ll now have access to a big red cancel session button that allows to cancel an in progress session immediately, rather than waiting for its set expiration.

Keep in mind this functions just as the expiry does, no PDF will be generated and the session will end incomplete, you’re just forcing the session to expire earlier on a manual basis.

## A Bevy of Bug Fixes

We’ve got a handful of bugfixes as well in this release to make your signing setup function even more reliably, this version collects the majority of bugfixes we’ve released so far as well as some fresh ones for you to take advantage of. They’re included in the full changelog below.

## Release Notes
– Added Documents Hub.
– Added support for cancelling in progress Signing Sessions.
– Added support for Gravity Flow.
– Added support for Gravity Forms QR Code.
– Added support for uploading generated PDFs to Dropbox.
– Updated background update logic to automatically update minor and maintenance builds.
– Fixed a fatal error when trying to save a generated PDF to a relative path.
– Fixed an issue where Checkbox fields would not be saved outside of a Signing Session.
– Fixed an issue where field size could not be changed on imported PDFs.
– Fixed an issue where form fields would be populated when previewing a form if a Signing Session is active.
– Fixed an issue where Notification events for an in progress Signing Session could have a PDF attached.
– Fixed an issue where Signing Sessions could not be resumed due to a conflicting version of PHP-JWT.
– Fixed an issue where the same email address could be used for multiple Signers.
– Fixed an issue where uploaded files would not persist between Signers.
– Fixed PHP notice when checking if base Legal Signing path is public.
– API: Added new Legal_Signing_API class.

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