Setting Up One-Time Password

To require users to verify via a one-time password when filling out your form, this is as easy as adding an email field and our very own One-Time Password field to your form.

Getting Started

In just a few easy steps, you can be ready to start having your form submitters verify via one-time password prior to being able to submit your forms.

  1. Edit the Gravity Forms form you wish to add One-Time Password to.
  2. Make sure you have an email field on the form (Advanced Fields > Email)
  3. Add the One-Time Password field to your form (Advanced Fields > One-Time Password)
  4. Select the new One-Time Password field you added to your form, and select the email field you wish to use with the field in the Source Field dropdown.
  5. If you want every submitter to verify via one-time password, we’d also recommend marking the field as a required field.

And that’s it for the basic setup! Your form is now capable of sending a one-time password for verification prior to form submission.

There are a few additional settings available in the One-Time Password field you may want to tweak depending on your needs, you can see a full breakdown of the One-Time Password field, its settings, and various aspects to keep in mind when configuring each in our documentation here.

Want to take this a step further and use SMS to send One-Time Passwords instead of just email? Check out our documentation on setting up One-Time Password to send SMS through Twilio here!