Entry Automation 6.0 is now available!

That’s a wrap on WCEU 2023!

We had a blast at WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens, Greece last week!

This was the first time all three of our team members were able to be in the same physical place since late 2019 and we were able to use that time to plan out some new future plans we’re delighted to eventually fill you in on.

If you ended up stopping by our booth in the small business hall, thank you! We hope you’re enjoying any stickers or pins (those were moving like hotcakes!) you were able to pick up and had a chance to enter our giveaway! If you didn’t get a chance to enter, drop us a line and we can cross reference your details with the conference attendance list to get you entered (we’ll be picking winners after June 27th, 2023, so that’s the deadline for entering).

It was fun catching up with old friends and meeting new ones after a (for us) long hiatus from attending WordPress in person events. If you didn’t get a chance to come to Europe or see us while we were there, we’ll also be attending WordCamp US in Maryland in a few months, if you’re going to that, we’d love to try to connect!

From our team to yours, thank you for your support; we wouldn’t be able to do events like this without it!

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