Entry Automation Changelog
Version 6.0.0 (2025-03-25)
- Added setting to stop running task after a set time.
- Added support for Multiple Forms extension.
- Fixed a fatal error when duplicating a form with Entry Automation Tasks.
- Fixed an issue with mapping Nested Forms field child form field inputs to JSON export files.
- Fixed mapping Nested Forms entry meta to export files.
- Fixed populating Nested Forms field child form field inputs in CSV files.
- Removed support for Gravity Forms <2.5.
Version 5.7.0 (2024-11-19)
- Fixed a fatal error with Delete Entries Tasks while using Fillable PDFs or Legal Signing.
- Fixed a fatal error with Export Entries Tasks when no File Upload fields are selected for exporting.
- Fixed an issue where digest Notifications could contain additional linebreaks.
- Fixed an issue where the Daylight Saving Time (DST) could affect the task schedule.
- Fixed an issue where the task scheduling is broken in non-English languages when using Day(s) of the Week option to run tasks.
Version 5.6.0 (2024-08-01)
- Fixed an issue where entries could not be exported to PDF due to pcre.backtrack_limit.
- Fixed an issue where the admin field label would not be used when generating an export file on form submission.
- Fixed an issue where the export entries email would attempt to send when the export file did not exist.
Version 5.5.0 (2024-04-17)
- Fixed an issue where file extension is not automatically appended when using a form title containing a period.
- Fixed an issue where the
merge tag wasn't formatted correctly in notifications.
Version 5.4.0 (2024-03-06)
- Added support for GravityRevisions.
- Added support for targeting entries by GravityView approval status.
- Added support for using Gravity Forms Conditional Shortcode in Export Entries email message.
- Fixed an issue where custom field labels would not be used when exporting a Nested Forms field.
Version 5.3 (2023-07-11)
- Added compatibility with WordPress 6.2.
- Added “fg_entryautomation_export_email_to” filter.
- Updated API URL to CosmicGiant.com.
- Update bundled version of Moment.js.
- Fixed an issue where an entry would insert unneeded page breaks in a PDF export.
- Fixed an issue where the Chained Selects data does not export when selecting the full field.
- Fixed an issue where the latest field label would not be used when a custom column label was not set.
Version 5.2 (2022-12-08)
- Added additional debug logging when running a task.
- Added compatibility with WordPress 6.1.
- Added support for Legal Signing.
- Updated Send Notifications task to exclude Legal Signing notifications as options.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Tasks to become unscheduled in certain scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where PHP fatal error was thrown in WP CLI.
- Fixed an issue where including uploaded files with exported entries could exhaust available memory in some environments.
- Fixed a PHP notice when attempting to run a background update before a license key has been entered.
- Fixed compatibility with PHP < 7.2.
- Fixed Entry Date not displaying in site's local timezone when exporting entries to PDF.
Version 5.1 (2022-07-27)
- Added additional logging when scheduling and unscheduling Tasks.
- Fixed an issue where AM/PM inputs appeared when scheduling a Task while WordPress time format is set to 24 hours.
- Fixed an issue where custom date ranges would not respect the timezone set in WordPress.
- Fixed an issue where Date merge tags in export file names would not respect the timezone set in WordPress.
- Fixed an issue where Gravity Forms Date merge tags were not processed correctly.
- Fixed fatal error when exporting to PDF when a field selected in the Task no longer exists on the form.
- Fixed fatal error when strtotime returns false on entry date range settings.
Version 5.0 (2021-12-07)
- Added additional logging statements to the export email process.
- Added support for sending Notifications in a Task.
- Added support for targeting draft submissions in a Task.
- Updated the maximum attachment file size limit for export files to 10 MB.
- Updated version of a required dependency to fix conflicts with PHP <8.0.
- Fixed an issue where first run time would have GMT offset applied when saving Task.
- Fixed an issue where only the first 50 entries detected would be deleted when processing Task.
- Fixed an issue preventing exports including uploaded files from exporting to third party services.
- Fixed dates converting to UTC timezone in some scenarios.
- Fixed display only fields being available as Fields to Delete choices in Delete Entries tasks.
- Fixed Tasks not being scheduled using UTC time.
Version 4.0 (2021-08-24)
- Added support for creating new Export Entries Tasks from the Gravity Forms Export Entries screen.
- Added support for deleting PDFs generated by Fillable PDFs when deleting select fields from an entry.
- Added support for including uploaded files with exported entries.
- Added Task specific merge tags: {date_range_start}, {date_range_end}, {entries_processed}, {task_id}
Version 3.3 (2021-07-14)
- Added “fg_entryautomation_pdf_mpdf_config” filter to modify configuration of mPDF class.
- Added support for auto-loading custom PDF template files from the active theme folder.
- Added scheduled Entry Automation Tasks to the Gravity Forms System Report.
- Fixed PHP fatal errors thrown when activating the Add-On in some scenarios.
Version 3.2 (2021-05-24)
- Fixed conditional logic not applying to scheduled tasks created with Entry Automation 3.0 and Gravity Forms 2.5.
- Fixed the entry meta and properties missing from the task conditional logic.
Version 3.1 (2021-05-19)
- Added security enhancements.
- Added support for setting auto-updates state on Plugins page.
Version 3.0 (2021-04-26)
- Added compatibility with Gravity Forms 2.5.
- Added option for selecting all entries since the task last ran.
- Added option to delete export file after task has ran.
- Added targeting of entries based on the current entry status.
- Added targeting of entries based on the last updated date.
- Added targeting of entries based on value of a Date field.
- Added support for entry notes in CSV files.
- Added support for exporting to Excel (XLSX).
- Added support for full field values for multiple input fields in CSV files.
- Added support for Gravity Flow with new Workflow Step.
- Added support for Gravity Perks Nested Forms fields in CSV files.
- Added support for merge tags in export file name, export email to address, export email subject when using an on form submission task.
- Added support for running tasks on specific days of the month.
- Added support for running tasks on specific days of the week.
- Added support for WordPress 5.3.
- Added task ID when using Run Task Now function.
- Updated the export files location.
- Fixed an issue when using conditional logic with Product fields using the Drop Down or Radio Buttons input types.
- Fixed an issue where exported files cannot be downloaded for sites on Apache.
- Fixed an issue where Quiz, Polls and Survey fields were not displaying the choice label in export files.
- Fixed an issue where scheduled tasks were run multiple times when running past the scheduled time.
- Fixed occasional loss of time when scheduling next run time.
- Fixed tasks running when form is trashed.
- Fixed task settings not loading correctly when using WordPress 5.6.
- Fixed the CSV export issue with optional List fields.
- Fixed Date Range preview being incorrectly calculated in some scenarios.
Version 2.0 (2019-10-22)
- Added BOM character to beginning of CSV export file.
- Added “fg_entryautomation_export_include_bom” filter to prevent BOM character from being included.
- Added “fg_entryautomation_next_run_time” filter.
- Added “fg_entryautomation_pdf_template_entry”, “fg_entryautomation_pdf_template_footer” and “fg_entryautomation_pdf_template_header” filters for using custom PDF template files.
- Added merge tag support to export email from, to, subject and message settings.
- Added support for adding entries to existing export files.
- Added support for deleting specific fields from entry.
- Added support for running tasks on form submission or manually.
- Updated Date Range preview to not run when no date is set.
- Updated included Mpdf library to 8.0.
- Updated Start Running Task task setting to not be visible when task has already run.
- Updated the position of the Export Email Message validation error message to be more easily visible.
- Fixed a PHP 7.3 warning when exporting to PDF.
- Fixed Date not exporting to selected format.
- Fixed error message not appearing when no export fields are selected. Fixed fatal error when upgrading from Entry Automation <1.3.
- Fixed input label being included during export when using a custom field label.
- Fixed next run time not calculating correctly when using monthly units.
- Fixed PHP warning when duplicating task.
- Fixed tasks running when form is trashed.
Version 1.4 (2018-11-28)
- Add custom ordering to Export Entries tasks.
- Add starred and unread statuses to conditional logic filters.
- Add support for Gravity Perks Nested Forms fields.
- Add support for Repeater fields.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_disable_task_skipping” filter.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_email_headers” filter.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_fields_include_inputs” filter.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_lines” filter.
- Add support for Polls, Quiz and Survey Add-Ons.
- Fix HTML content type not being set when export email message contains HTML tags.
- Fix issue with fields not appearing in PDFs.
- Fix issue with task running when saving task settings.
- Fix Run Task Now not using updates to export email message.
- Fix run time preview displaying incorrect time.
- Fix task running when form could not be found.
- Update extension framework to support new extensions.
- Update formatting of first run date on task settings page.
Version 1.3 (2018-01-29)
- Add available extensions to plugin settings page.
- Add extension framework.
- Add option to export entry notes to JSON or PDF files.
- Fix first task settings section with error not being visible on load.
- Update automation queue to run as individual scheduled events for each task.
- Update export fields setting to insert new fields after previous form field.
- Update “Next Run Time” and “Start Run Time” task settings to allow for more precise control over time.
- Add ability to change next run time for task.
- Add database cleanup when deleting an action.
- Add option to move entries to trash instead of immediately deleting them.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_folder” filter to modify root Entry Automation export folder location.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_{$action}_settings_fields” filter to modify settings fields for an action.
- Fix fatal error during export task when mbstring is not installed.
- Fix fatal error on task settings page after a form field was deleted.
- Fix List field values appearing as string in JSON export.
- Fix multiple row List field values appearing as “Array” in CSV export.
- Update license API requests to support upcoming ForGravity bundle.
Version 1.2 (2017-09-17)
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_sorting” filter.
- Add framework for custom actions.
- Add JSON as export entries file type.
- Add PDF as export entries file type.
- Update conditional logic to support entry meta and entry properties (including Partial Entries).
- Update date range preview to be relative to next run time (or first task run time for new tasks).
- Update export fields to allow for custom field labels.
- Update export fields to be sortable.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_export_field_value” filter.
- Add support for custom date string in export file name.
- Add support for duplicating Entry Automation tasks.
- Fix email subject not using feed settings option.
- Fix incorrect slug in automatic updater.
- Fix “Last Exported File” link not working due to htaccess permissions.
- Fix several PHP notices.
- Update automation to select active entries by default.
- Update conditional logic instructions based on selected action.
- Update export file to use admin field labels.
- Update export header names to be wrapped in quotes.
- Update search criteria to use custom strtotime method.
Version 1.1 (2017-06-26)
- Add error validation for task date range.
- Add export email settings (from address, from name, message, subject).
- Add “fg_entryautomation_recurrence” filter to control how often Entry Automation cron action runs.
- Add “fg_entryautomation_{verb}_task” action for custom tasks.
- Add “Last Exported File” to feed list.
- Add minimum PHP version check.
- Add plugin capabilities.
- Add support for definitive dates for task date range (YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS).
- Add task ID modifier to “fg_entryautomation_search_criteria”.
- Add timezone correction for first run time.
- Add setting to allow overwriting of existing export file.
- Add validation to “Select Fields” Export settings field to ensure at least one field is selected.
- Fix DateTimeZone not initializing when GMT offset is set to a positive integer.
- Fix error when calculating first run time.
- Fix issue where task would request entry pages that did not exist.
- Fix issue with tasks set to run weekly/monthly running too often.
- Improved interface for setting initial task run time.
- Improved interface for setting task date range.
- Improved task configuration interface.
- Removed default feed processing filter.
- Update “fg_entryautomation_export_file_name” filter to run after detecting duplicate file name to allow for more flexible modifying.
- Update task configuration interface to display last active tab on save.
- Update time conversion method to default to strtotime function when DateTime cannot be initialized.
Version 1.0 (2017-03-06)