Entry Automation
Setting Up Tasks
Creating a Multiple Forms Task
How to export data from multiple forms at the same time.
Targeting Save and Continue Draft Submissions
Starting with Entry Automation 5.0, you can now choose between targeting entries (including partial entries created via the Partial Entries add-on) and draft submissions created by Gravity Forms’ built in Save and Continue feature when setting up Export and Delete Entries tasks. You’ll find this new Entry Type setting available within the Task Settings settings…
Setting Up a Send Notification Task
Introduction A Send Notification task allows you more control over your standard Gravity Forms notifications. With this action type selected in a task, you can set up advanced routines around your notifications such as delaying notifications, setting up reminder notifications, initiating a drip style marketing campaign to the submitter, bulk resending notifications with more granular…
Task Specific Merge Tags
Introduced in Entry Automation 4.0, Task specific merge tags allow you to include dynamic information about the Task being run anywhere within your Task settings where merge tags are supported including (but not limited to) the task name, export folder name, and within the configuration of the email sent (when enabled) via the Email Settings…
Creating a Task
Get started with Entry Automation by creating a new Task
Setting Up a Delete Entries Task
How to set up entry deletion
Setting Up an Export Entries Task
How to set up entry exports
Including Files with Exports
Starting with Entry Automation 4.0, you can now enable the inclusion of files with your generated export file as part of an Export Entries Task. You’ll find this feature within the Export Files settings module under the Export Settings tab of an Export Entries Task. This setting supports the following files: When enabled, you will…
Creating a New Task via the Gravity Forms Export Entries Screen
Have a form that you’re frequently exporting entries from manually using the built in Gravity Forms export tool? Starting with Entry Automation 4.0, you can now very conveniently create a new Export Entries Task directly from the Gravity Forms Export Entries screen, using your selections there to set up an automated export. Moving from using…
Autoload and Override Default PDF Template Files
As of Entry Automation 3.2.3, you can now automatically override the default PDF template files used when exporting to a PDF file using files located in your active theme or child theme. The Template Files Entry Automation by default uses the following three templates files for each component of the PDF: How To Override Them…
Exporting to Excel
As of Entry Automation 3.0, we now support setting up Export Entries tasks that export entries to Excel files. To set up your tasks to export to Excel, it’s as simple as selecting the XLSX file type in your Export Entries task under the Export Settings tab: Note: Exporting to Excel format requires PHP 7.2+.
Filtering by Entry Status
Starting with Entry Automation 3.0 you can now set up Export Entries tasks that target entries only of the statuses you choose in the task settings. You will find the Entry Status setting in the General tab of your Export Entries task within the Target Entries section. By default all Export Entries tasks will default…
Chaining Multiple Tasks Together
Set your form entries to be exported and then deleted, on schedule or on submission.
Customizing the PDF Export Template
Use custom template files for your PDF exports
Understanding the Date Range
How to configure which entries are included with your tasks
Exporting From Multiple Forms
How to set up one-off entry exporting from multiple forms.
Uploading Export Files to Google Drive
Using the Google Drive Extension for Entry Automation, your entries can be sent to your Google Drive account after the export file has been generated. Installing Google Drive Extension The Google Drive Extension can be installed from the Entry Automation plugin settings page, found in the Gravity Forms Settings section. After you’ve entered in your…
Uploading Export Files to Amazon S3
Using the Amazon S3 Extension for Entry Automation, your entries can be sent to your Amazon S3 buckets after the export file has been generated. Installing Amazon S3 Extension Amazon S3 Extension can be installed from the Entry Automation plugin settings page, found in the Gravity Forms Settings section. After you’ve entered in your license…
Uploading Export Files to Dropbox
Using the Dropbox Extension for Entry Automation, your entries can be sent to your Dropbox account after the export file has been generated. Installing Dropbox Extension Dropbox Extension can be installed from the Entry Automation plugin settings page, found in the Gravity Forms Settings section. After you’ve entered in your license key, a list of…
Uploading Export Files to (S)FTP Server
Using the FTP Extension for Entry Automation, your entries can be sent to your FTP or SFTP server after the export file has been generated. Installing FTP Extension FTP Extension can be installed from the Entry Automation plugin settings page, found in the Gravity Forms Settings section. After you’ve entered in your license key, a…
Running Automation via Cron Job
Increase performance by running Entry Automation via cronjob
Extending Entry Automation
Description This filter can be used to allow the csv entry export lines to be filtered just before they are saved to the temporary file. This is the Entry Automation specific equivalent to the gform_export_lines filter in the Gravity Forms. Usage Parameters Examples This example shows you how to remove the default quote formatting around…
Description This filter allows you to modify the path where the export file will be written to when using the Dropbox extension. Usage Global Usage Form ID specific usage Form ID and Task ID specific usage Parameters Examples This example shows you how to change the file path to a custom location in Dropbox. The…
Description This filter allows you to modify the path where the export file will be written to on your site’s system. There are three important things to keep in mind when using this filter: Usage Global usage Form ID specific usage Parameters Examples This example shows you how to change the file path to a…
Description This filter allows you to disable the automatic task skipping that is on by default, when disabled anything related to a task will still run even if there are no entries that match the task’s configured search criteria rather than being skipped entirely: Usage Base filter usage You can target a specific form ID…
Description This filter allows you to modify the configuration used for mPDF before it generates a PDF when a task is using PDF as its file type. Usage Parameters Examples Change PDF orientation to landscape This example will generate the PDF in landscape orientation rather than the default portrait orientation. Since This filter was added…
Modify the path where the export file will be uploaded to on the FTP server
Description This filter allows you to modify the field value before it is included in the export file. Usage Parameters Examples Use Choice Text Instead of Values
Modify the parameters used to connect to a FTP server
Change the duration of the FTP connection timeout
Description This filter is allows you to change the path of the template used for the PDF export file entry. Usage Parameters Examples This example will change the path used for the PDF export file entry to point to a custom file within your active theme. You will need to replace /remaining/path/to/yourfile.php with the path…
Description This filter is allows you to change the path of the template used for the PDF export file footer. Usage Parameters Since This filter was added in Entry Automation version 2.0.0.
Description This filter is allows you to change the path of the template used for the PDF export file header. Usage Parameters Since This filter was added in Entry Automation version 2.0.0.
Description This filter allows you to modify the next scheduled run time for a Task. Usage Parameters Since This filter was added in Entry Automation version 2.0.0.
Modify whether to include BOM character in CSV exports
Modify the headers of the export email.
Run custom functions after entries have been exported.
Run custom functions after entries have been deleted.
Modify the subject of the export email.
Modify the message of the export email.
Modify the search criteria for the Entry Automation action.
Set maximum email attachment size allowed (in bytes).