Entry Automation 6.0 is now available!

Merge Tags

Legal Signing uses merge tags to allow you to dynamically insert links to generated documents in your notifications, confirmations and more.

A merge tag uses curly braces and looks like this: {legal_signing}.

You can learn more about merge tags in general in this Gravity Forms documentation article.

The {legal_signing} Merge Tag

Everywhere the {legal_signing} merge tag is used, it is included in the merge tags drop down for easy inserting into your notification or confirmation. A separate option is available for each Legal Signing feed on your form.

The {legal_signing} merge tag has three parameters: {legal_signing:[feed_id]:[modifier]}.


Required. This is also referred to as the descriptor. It tells Gravity Forms that this is a Legal Signing merge tag, rather than a standard field merge tag.


Required. This is the feed ID to get the Generated document from.


Optional. A list of possible modifiers are listed below.



Displays a tokenized URL that allows the signer to participate. This can only be used with a form notification set to the “Ready for Signing” or “Signing Session Pending Verification” notification events.


Displays only the file name of the document.


Displays only the URL of the document.


Display only the signed URL of the document.