Uploading Documents to Dropbox
Using the Dropbox Integration for Legal Signing, your documents can be sent to your Dropbox account after a document has been generated via Legal Signing.
Note: The Dropbox integration is only available to active Professional and Agency tier Legal Signing license holders.
Authenticating with Dropbox

There is no additional plugin to install to activate the Dropbox Integration, but you do need to initially authenticate Legal Signing with your Dropbox account to get started.
To authenticate, navigate to the Forms > Legal Signing page in your WordPress admin and the navigate to the Integrations settings tab.
In the list of available integrations, find Dropbox and click the Connect to Dropbox button.
Note: The Dropbox integration is only available to active Professional and Agency tier Legal Signing license holders. Personal license holders will instead be given a button to upgrade to a Professional license in order to use the integration.
Complete the authentication with Dropbox following the on-screen prompts that are served to you. Once you’ve completed the process successfully you’ll be redirected back to the global Legal Signing settings page, if all went well you should now see a Disconnect from Dropbox button for the Dropbox Integration in the Integrations settings tab.
Setting Up the Dropbox Integration
Now that you’ve successfully authenticated with Dropbox in your Legal Signing settings, you’ll need to set up your Legal Signing feed(s) to enable the upload to Dropbox and specify where the generated documents will be stored in your Dropbox account.
To do this, navigate to Forms > FORM NAME > Settings > Legal Signing page in your WordPress admin and either add or edit a Legal Signing feed.
Navigating to the Integrations settings tab will display any Integrations you’ve set up allowing you to toggle those on for the feed.
Setting the Dropbox toggle in this list to the enabled state will pop out a few settings:

Destination Folder
This is the only required setting for the integration and it specifies where in your Dropbox account the feed will attempt to write files to. Keep in mind this is relative to the user you’ve authenticated the integration with, so the upload root may not be the root of the overall Dropbox account the user is part of, it could be relative an app folder or a user’s home directory in Dropbox.
Merge tags are also supported in this setting which allows you to feed in dynamic data from the entry tied to the document to be uploaded. You could for instance use this to create a directory for every entry feeding in data like the entry id, a name, etc. to the directory name.
Alternate File Name
This allows you to optionally override the Output File Name setting in the General settings tab of the feed for the generated document in case you’d like the file name of the document uploaded to Dropbox to differ from what the version initially generated was named.
Merge tags are also supported here just like the normal file name setting for the feed.
Overwrite File If Already Exists?
By default when a document is to be uploaded to Dropbox and a document with the same name already exists in the Dropbox path where the new document will be written, the new document will be uploaded as a new file with a number automatically appended to the file name for uniqueness. This uploads the new document and leaves the other document intact.
Enabling this toggle will change that default behavior to instead directly overwrite that existing document with the same file name with the new document to be uploaded.